Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daughter - Youth + Fancy Fragrant Days

It feels more like fall these days, and it's kind of perfect. Walking on campus surrounded by energetic students (thankfully I am still energetic as well...I think haha), looking up at the blue sky, feeling the cool fresh air, eating brunch outdoors, putting on spiffy blazers...and listening to Daughter. There's no other season that offers up as strong of a feeling as fall...the crispness of the air, the colors, the sense of moving forward...there's something almost tangible about it.

Teaching is going's so wonderful to teach adults again, feels more like play than work. Children really are a little like wild animals, and while that is fun and they are adorable, it is incredibly draining trying to manage that energy. I really think they aren't meant to spend so much time sitting in little chairs in gloomy classrooms...perhaps they should run around outside more and explore the world and release their energy. Anyway, my students are lovely and motivated and funny and they are just a joy to teach. I feel very lucky! 

It's almost time for the last weekend in October. Halloween is next week! I feel like dressing up this year, but without an actual costume I'll have to get creative. Or just wear a lot of makeup. Or just eat a lot of mini sized chocolates ;-)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Goldfrapp - We Radiate

So it was 30 degrees today (I still haven't gotten used to fahrenheit...or how to spell it yikes!)...oh my. I was planning on butternut squash soup but that will have to wait for another, cooler day. It's so funny to walk around seeing pumpkins and pumpkin spice lattes and sweaters in shop windows while trying not to melt and regretting not putting on sunscreen. I'm definitely no longer deficient in vitamin D. Also, I now totally believe that sunshine increases serotonin...I can't even resist smiling when walking around involuntary but welcome reaction to the beautiful blue sky and super shiny sun. 

I would like to learn how to make sushi...perhaps not with actual raw fish as that would be messy to do at home...but a California roll type thing. Mmmm, sushi!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fleet Foxes - Grown Ocean

First week of teaching, done and done! And it made me realize just how much I've missed it! Which is a lot! It's great to stumble onto something you happen to love and then do it as a real job. There's nothing better than doing something fun and fulfilling, and getting paid for it too.

In other news, it still feels like the middle of summer...I honestly cannot believe that it's October. Today I wore a light summer dress with sandals and still felt very toasty. California remains a (lovely) enigma. 

I bought my ticket for Japan! Last year, I spent Christmastime on the beach. This year will be more Christmas-y weather-wise as Japan is way colder than South Cal, but also very interesting culture-wise since it's a holiday for couples in Japan. I don't think I will mind the cold too much...pretty lights, cozy evenings, and being with the person you love...heavenly and merry indeed :-)