I wish I could post some photos of where I am right now - in beautiful sunny California! The weather is spectacular, the beaches are sandy and seem to go on forever, the people are friendly, and there's just a great vibrant atmosphere of relaxation and good cheer :) Ahh, how I love the sun! I'm also liking the healthy lifestyle that is so incredibly easy to enjoy here. It's actually a huge pleasure to go and be active outdoors (tennis! running on the beach! hiking! swimming! it goes on and on!) rather than thinking of having to exercise and being stuck running on machines indoors. And the food is delicious and nutritious so no problem there either.
Besides soaking up the sunshine, I've done a bit of reading as well. Especially during a magnificent stormy spell we had here - such huge waves! I finished reading The Mill on the Floss and couldn't help crying very hard at the end. I did not see that ending coming and it hit hard. It was a wonderful read, so true to life and yet artistic and thrilling and full of elevated emotion and profound insights. I love how Maggie's inner world becomes such a powerful force, and her character isn't a character but a breathing human being so full of life. The world she finds herself in is a living, breathing world as well, and sadly it does not provide the love and uplifting passion that she herself radiates and yearns for so badly.
After that intense read, I picked up 'Wives and Daughters' by Elizabeth Gaskell. I'm still happily stuck in the world of Victorian Lit., but this time I wanted something just a little bit lighter. I have to confess I have never read this author before, only seen 'Cranford' on PBS and the fantastic 'North and South' miniseries (starring Richard Armitage, one of my big favourites!) but I already knew I would love her books. This one is my kind of page-turner. The characters and their day to day lives are described with intricate detail, and the relationships that develop are interesting and make me hungry for more! I can't wait to find out what will happen next. I also really like how well Molly's sensitivity and emerging sense of self are painted by the author. Very true to life and subtley, intelligently described.
Whew. And now back to current concerns in the real world. Such as dinner :) Cheerio!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Reading Update - The Mill on the Floss
So at the moment I am reading the Penguin edition of 'The Mill on the Floss' for the very first time. I bought it in a small bookstore in London, England (they had so many Penguin books - heavenly!) but didn't have a chance to finish it as travelling proved to be quite the busy activity. So I'm about a third of the way through and the writing is as detailed, witty, and brilliant as I expected. Her characters are so real, it's extraordinary!
Hopefully I will be able to post regularly while away. Wishing everyone a splendid start to the new year! So far so good :)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Rainy Weather for Relaxing
On days like this, I find that I slow down a bit, want to sleep a bit more, don't feel like exercising too vigorously or traveling too far. I think it's a reminder that this time of year is all about going inward, reflecting, and figuring out what we want to focus on once Spring comes around and flowers start blooming again :) It's quite nice to be given this chance to relax, rejuvenate, stretch, and eat vast quantities of hot soup!
I will be going to a much sunnier, warmer place in just a couple of days, so right now I am soaking up this opportunity to rest and enjoy the coziness :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Resolutions? Nah!
Many resolutions are phrased in a negative way - lose weight, stop this, stop that, quit this, cut out that, eliminate, give up, restrict - AGH! It's just not that appealing! And this kind of language doesn't motivate anyone. No matter what, it won't make you feel good about yourself in a healthy, genuine way. So I definitely don't like these kinds of resolutions.
Is there an alternative? Of course! It's always great to set goals and aim for the stars, while taking manageable baby steps to get there. For one thing, why not phrase resolutions in a positive, inspiring way? Why aim to lose ten pounds when you can instead aim to eat a varied, nutritious and delicious whole foods diet while also engaging in your favourite physical activity on most days. And you can make it more specific to suit your needs and make it super realistic and concrete rather than vague and mysterious. "I will go for a thirty minute walk every morning and cook vegetable soup twice a week" is way more stimulating than "I will break unhealthy habit #34".
Just think of what inspires you, stirs your passions, makes you feel better and healthier, what you daydream about, what you look forward to, what makes you happy, etc, etc, etc. and aim to integrate more of this into your day to day life.
One of my goals will definitely be to read more fiction books, it's something that I absolutely love but haven't been doing nearly enough of since graduating from university. Non-fiction is wonderfully informative and important, but fiction (especially Victorian fiction :) ) stirs the soul :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Favourites Enjoyed in 2009
Favourite Places: London, England - the buzz, the culture, the history, the beauty, Marks & Spencer, V & A Museum, The Sunday Times, British Museum, the people, and so much more!;
Paris - pretty as a picture, sophisticated, the best place for gorgeous long walks, Musee d'Orsay, Eric Kayser Bakery, the language, the architecture
Favourite Outings: Everything I experienced in London, including opera (Turindot and Rigoletto) especially...the musical Chicago was lots of fun :)
Favourite Concert: Bat for Lashes in Vancouver.
Favourite Album: The ones I listened to most in 2009 were The xx, Lungs - Florence and the Machine, music from Carmen, Two Suns - Bat for Lashes, Veckatimest - Grizzly Bear, Hospice - The Antlers, Into the Wild Soundtrack, various classical music
Favourite Film: Didn't see many 2009 ones. House of Eliott was my favourite thing to watch, but that's an old television series.
Favourite Dish: Chicken and wild mushroom stew. Vegetable tart. And split pea soup :)
Favourite Book: The Making of a Marchioness by Frances Hodgson Burnett; The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde.
Favourite Tea: Rooibus Vanilla.
I hope your 2009 was filled with lots of lovely enjoyments, new discoveries, and happy times :)
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