Sunday, June 13, 2010

Please send the clouds away...

...after another week of mostly gloomy weather, yesterday brought glorious sunshine, warm temperatures, and a bounce to my step. After getting my teeth cleaned and checked out (all is good, hooray), I headed to the beach with a friend and it was goooorgeous! Everyone was out and about, playing volleyball, throwing frisbees, flying kites, and smiling giant summery smiles. I was even inspired to buy a few summery items of clothing :)

Well, let's get back to today. I woke up to sunshine peeking through my blinds. Nice. Two hours later and it's cloudy, dark, and sort of depressing again :( Sigh. Going from light to dark makes me realize just how huge of an effect the weather has on me. I don't know how much more gloominess I can take! What to do, what to do...

In other news, I'm reading this book right now: Women Who Run with the Wolves, and it's absolutely fantastic. It's all about reconnecting with our wild, natural selves and learning to trust and follow our own bodies, our intuition, and our souls, rather than trying to conform to the limiting expectations and conventions of the outer world. The writing is quite poetic at times, and I love how the author uses old folk tales and archetypes to explore these issues.

Well, I will try not to let the weather get me down. Tis haaaaaard.



  1. Hello Lucy! I'm so happy to see a new post from you. feels like ages since I commented on the blog! I like the new layout.

    Thanks so much for your sweet notes while I was away in India! I loved reading them and it brightened my day to hear from you.

    That's one thing about Van - it's beautiful, but the weather seems to turn without a moment's notice. I hope the sun comes out again for you.

    That book actually sounds AWESOME. We often talked about our "natural instincts" in my yoga training, and I have become more fascinated by the topic, particularly as it relates to my biology/physiology as a woman. Will you let me know how you liked it once you're finished? :)

  2. Welcome back! I hope you're settling in nicely :) It must be such a huge change going from India to Vancouver! They seem like different planets altogether :)

    I'm about halfway through the book and I'm really liking it! I will let you know what I think when I finish it, but at this point I would definitely recommend it.

    Have a beautiful day!
