Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Looove Summer!

The Summer heat continues so I've been enjoying plenty of days at the beach, eating gelato, and strolling around wearing my big sunglasses. Even school feels less like work and more like Summer camp...with lots of grammar.

This morning I went raspberry picking and contributed to the baking of delicious banana brownies. I can smell them right now, yuuuummy! They're for a potluck, so this time I'll be admiring their fragrance rather than their taste.

I will start posting more regularly in a few weeks, but right now is uber busy enjoy-Summer-while-it-lasts and play with your friends until the sun sets season, so I'm trying to avoid my computer. I love the ridiculously long, warm days of Summer - it's paradise!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Don't worry about posting - ENJOY yourself as you should this summer! It sounds like you've been having a wonderful time. In about a week I'll be on the west coast! ahhh! We should meet for a coffee once I find my place in Van! :)

  2. Good for you for taking time to enjoy the beautiful summer weather, no apologies needed :) Who needs computers now, anyway?? I love picking fruit in the summer and fall - we're past raspberries here, but blueberries are still going strong! I hope you got a chance to try at least a nibble of your brownies? You made them, after all! ;)

    Have a great one, Lucy!
